How to Get a Startup Business Loan With No Money

Do you own a small business and have always wanted to start your own Startup Business Loan With No Money? You might be depressed, especially in light of the state of the economy right now. But hold onto your dreams for a little while longer! It may surprise you that all it takes to obtain a new company loan without any capital is thorough planning and study of your possibilities.

Our goal in creating this guidance is to eliminate the uncertainty associated with locating and submitting an application for a loan when you have nothing to use as security. Continue reading for pointers and recommendations from our specialists on obtaining successful start-up financing with no cash outlay.

Financing Options for Companies Lacking Capital or Sales Equipment Loans

Businesses that need to buy equipment but lack the funds or revenue to do so might consider equipment loans. Businesses can use this kind of loan to borrow money to buy the equipment they need and then repay it over time with interest. Usually, the equipment serves as collateral for this kind of loan, so if the company doesn’t make payments, the lender has the authority to take the equipment as security.

You might have to demonstrate that your company generates income before a lender will consider lending you money for the equipment, though, as some lenders still have this condition.

Equipment Types That You Can Finance

Commercial vehicles: include automobiles, vans, and trucks that are driven for work.

Construction Equipment: You can finance the purchase of equipment such as loaders, cranes, bulldozers, and excavators.

Office Supplies: You can finance the purchase of computers, printers, projectors, phones, and other necessary office supplies.

Restaurant Equipment: This category includes deep fryers, industrial ovens, refrigerators, and other kitchen appliances.

Manufacturing Equipment: This category includes both large, production-related machinery and smaller instruments. Financing is available for tractors, combines, irrigation systems, and other farming equipment.

IT equipment: includes servers, networking hardware, data storage devices, and other IT-related items. Exercise bikes, weight machines, treadmills, and other fitness equipment are available at the gym.

Retail Equipment: security systems, display racks, point-of-sale systems, and other equipment tailored to the retail industry.

Audio/visual equipment includes lighting fixtures, sound systems, professional cameras, and other items used in media production.

Finance for Invoices

Another alternative for cash-strapped businesses is invoice finance. Businesses can obtain this kind of loan by using their unpaid invoices as collateral with a lender. After that, the lender will advance money based on the invoice value, and after the bills are paid, the money will be returned plus interest. Businesses with consistent cash flow but little capital are best suited for this kind of borrowing.

Use Now Account to Turn Your Receivables Into Cash

With the help of the financial instrument Now Account, companies may quickly turn their receivables into cash. It isn’t a loan, and it’s not factoring. Rather, it offers a straightforward method for companies to boost working capital and efficiently handle their B2B cash flow.

How to Get a Startup Business Loan With No Money

The Now Account application process is simple to use:

Customer Approval: Request approval before adding a new customer.

Upload Invoice: Enter the invoice into the Now Account system as soon as it is received.

Get Your Money Back: After approval, your ACH payment will be processed.

Paintbrush Loan

The Paintbrush Loan gives you the money you need to launch your startup business with no money in right away. They resolve the “chicken-and-egg” conundrum that many start-ups have by offering $50,000 loans. You need traction to get investment, but you also need funding to validate your business plan.

This is a condensed explanation of the Paintbrush Loan:

  • $50,000 is the amount you are borrowing.
  • Your monthly commercial loan payment for the following five years will range from $1,178 to $1,195 (precise amount will be established when you complete your loan agreement)
  • Monthly: How often you have to make payments, beginning right now
  • 1st: The day on which you must make loan installments every month, beginning right away
  • Five years: The loan’s duration (sixty months)
  • 15% APR: What the interest rate would be if you followed the specified repayment plan and paid the loan back for five years
  • $20,790-$21,652: The total interest amount that you will pay for the loan; the precise amount will vary depending on when your loan agreement is completed.
  • $0: Any hidden costs, subscription fees, or origination fees.

Why Do Lenders Usually Demand Revenue from Businesses?

Lenders recognize that, despite the adage that “money is money,” enterprises that are not yet profitable require funding to begin operations.

Lenders, however, require confirmation that the company can repay the loan plus interest over time. This is where a revenue requirement enters the picture. Lenders want to ensure that the company can bring in enough money to pay off debt and cover operating expenses.

For example, if a lender requires a minimum of $10,000 in revenue per month for a loan application, they will want proof that the company is making at least this much to approve the loan and guarantee repayment.

Does Receiving a Business Loan Without Revenue Have Any Drawbacks?

Yes, because of the perceived risk, interest rates for loans with no income are frequently higher. Additionally, if your firm fails, you might have to pledge personal assets as security, which could be in danger. Furthermore, if you miss payments on the loan, credit bureaus will be notified, which could lower your credit score. This may make getting finance for new ventures more challenging.

In general, you should proceed with caution when applying for no-money startup loans and make sure you are aware of all the hazards before agreeing to terms. Find the loan kind that best suits your company by doing your homework and comparing several loan options. Your startup dream can come true if you work hard and get the proper loan!

In the absence of revenue, how can a business owner increase their chances of receiving a loan?

Prioritize raising your credit score first. Paying off debt, making on-time payments, and keeping an eye on your credit score are ways to achieve this.

Second, draft a compelling business plan that outlines your expansion strategy and objectives. Third, attempt to get as much experience in the field as you can. This might show your knowledge and dedication to your company’s success.

Last but not least, putting up collateral in the form of goods or machinery will reassure the lender and improve your chances of being accepted. Recall that you may overcome this challenge and successfully obtain the loan you require to grow your company with perseverance and hard effort.

Examine Your Financing Choices Right Now!

If you obtain the appropriate loan, you can launch a startup business with no money or income. There are numerous choices available, ranging from startup loans to invoice financing. Make sure you have done your homework on the lender, are familiar with the loan terms, and are happy with the repayment plan before committing to anything. Discover your next financing partner by exploring the Fundid Capital Marketplace!


Are business start-up loans easy to get?

No, it’s not easy if you are starting a startup or a business. It’s difficult to get a term loan.

Does the government do loans?

You can obtain funding from the Department for Work and Pensions through a Budgeting Loan. As it’s a loan, you are required to repay the money. Loans for budgeting are paid back with your benefits.